The WG group has the following available and accessible facilities and instruments
complete setups for nanostructured materials preparation
FT-IR spectrophotometers for online gas analysis and offline investigation with liquid cell
UV-vis-NIR spectrophotometer
Operando FT-IR equipped with Praying Mantys cellĀ
FT-IR in transmission for surface characterization and probe molecules investigation
gas chromatographs (GC) and gas chromatograph coupled with mass spectrometer (GC-MS) with a variety of column and developed methods
home-made TP-technique line
access to SEM-EDXS @DCCI
access to FESEM-EDXS @DCCI
access to TEM@DCCI
access to powders diffractometer@DCCI
access to main synchrotron facilities for XAS and NAP-XPS experiments (upon proposal acceptance)
6 catalytic G/S line with online or offline analyses with a temperature range RT-1273 K and 1-30 bar
line for biomass upgrading (L/S/G) or (L/G)
operando FT-IR equipped with Praying Mantys cell
1 L/S laboratory scale line for heterogeneous catalysis in liquid phase at atmospheric pressure
active collaboration for XPS and modelling